While you’re at it, check out my other works too:



  • It’s so Hard to Make Friends in Miami: Check out this IG live I did for the @miamiherald, moderated by Lauren Constantino
    “Miami, as lively a city as it is, can be a difficult place to make lasting friendships.  Even before the pandemic, many of us have struggled to make in-person connections, which are imperative for our sense of belonging — and even for our mental health. At all stages of life, there are times when we need to break out of our comfort zone and meet new people. Whether it’s starting over in a new job, getting over a break-up or losing a loved one, community is important — and in the age of social media, person-to-person connections can be difficult to navigate. But, making friends can be hard in a place like Miami — where ego and clout are king. We talked to Miami locals and transplants about their experience navigating friendships and finding community in Miami. Watch as our guests offer advice on making friends, discuss how they’re creating alternative social spaces and open up about their own personal struggles finding platonic love in Miami.”

  • For Real, For Real - It's An Emergency: Your favs are back to discuss the recent attacks on bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom in the US. Krystina and Lutze lay down some frameworks and calls to action now that they have processed recent events. As always, trust and listen to Black womxn and non-binary folks.

  • Black Girl's Guide to Surviving Menopause podcast episode-- Light and Shadow: The Politics of Body Liberation: I was the guest for July’s“Black Girl’s Guide to Surviving Menopause” podcast episode.

  • Black Girl's Guide to Surviving Menopause IG live - I was a part of the June “What’s Up Doc?” conversation where we discussed anti-racist feminist frameworks and who controls the narrative about menopause and aging, why it’s important to engage in narrative and culture shift work with Black people that disrupts white supremacy, patriarchy, misogyny, and heteronormativity related to menopause, and how people can better advocate for themselves related to menopause and/or its onset with their health provider, employers, family members, etc.

  • Social Justice Doula Youtube Channel Launch: My Youtube page officially launched. Check out all my videos here!

  • Communal Healing: a discussion of bell hooks' Sisters of the Yam - I was a part of this IG live with Jenn M Jackson, Alexandra Moffett-Beateau, and Erika Totten to discuss bell hooks' Sisters of the Yam and her critical contributions to our self-healing and self-recovery in this political moment.

  • Reading Sula on IG Live for Bookleggers Library - The Little Haiti Cultural Complex partnered with Bookleggers Library and invited me to be a featured guest on "Storytime for Grown-Ups: Little Haiti Edition." I took over Bookleggers' Instagram and read a section from Sula by Toni Morrison.

  • Four Black Social Activists Share What Juneteenth Means To Them by Joce Blake - Catch me and three other Black Feminists discuss Juneteenth, what it means to us, and more.

  • Lutze's 73 Questions - I did my own version of Vogue's 73 Questions; check it out!